What calls a person to work with underserved students? Mentor Coordinator Victoria Nesbitt reflects on the journey that brought her to CYC as a Mentor Coordinator.
In October of 2010, I started on a journey that would forever change my life.
I had just finished two years at Brown Mackie College, receiving my Associate’s Degree in Business Management. I had no idea what was next for me, and I was in continual prayer about direction.
It was suggested by my career coach that I do my extern at Cincinnati Youth Collaborative. At this point, I had never heard of them, nor what they did.
On my first day, I knew that I was supposed to be here. CYC’s mission aligned with the passion in my heart to see others succeed! There have been countless occasions when the importance of this mission has been made clear to me, but one that will forever be ingrained in my memory involved a young lady from Oyler. After losing her mother to terrible violence, she began to grieve at school because she had nowhere else to grieve. As I got to know her, I realized that she had lost her mother to drugs long before her mother had lost her life. Seeing the impact of crime on this child’s life filled me with a calling—to help this young lady through this dark time in her life by providing her with a mentor. So began my journey of learning how to provide the best services for the community in which we serve.
Now, four years later, I not only have the opportunity to walk alongside others as they strive to make a difference, I have also evolved as a person. I better understand my own gifts, my own calling, and my place in the community.
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